
The easiest thing we can do is scrutinize someone’s work: hindsight is always twenty-twenty.

After someone has shipped their product/masterpiece/idea we too often come behind them and tell them what they did wrong. Yes it is difficult to have foresight and see what issues may arise and what imperfections are visible, however it is even harder to ship. Too often we find ourselves making these criticisms of others’ work prior to analyzing how difficult it is for them to finish.

Finishing is difficult for most and impossible for others, do not be quick to break someone down. All too often that urge to break someone down stems from our jealousy. If we are going to give feedback on a project or idea that has shipped, be sure to give it out of truth and with encouragement. Honest feedback on how to improve someone’s idea goes a long way, if it is asked for and if it is not projected down. Nobody wants to hear, “That’s a great painting, but it would have been better with a blue background.” In business terms that sounds like: “You did a great job with your team, but next time you should use a power point presentation.”

I loathe most analysts because they make a living out of scrutinizing other people’s work with little or no experience. Explaining why a coach made a wrong call on Monday is easy, but to be in the coaches position on Sunday with 1:13 left and make a decision is infinitely harder. It is  baffling to me that people can sit on the sidelines and simply critique what others do without actually being in the industry (broadcasting is not sports, fyi) and be paid to talk about the successes and failures of others. Although that is a sports analogy – on the sidelines – it is applicable to all areas, i.e. fashion, faith, art, music, family, and more.

When we ship, we know how hard it is to do so and we should not take shots simply because we can. If we see others shipping and we see an area for improvement, we should bring it up without being harsh or degrading their finished product. And if we have not shipped yet we have something to say about someone who has, we should eat our words and use them as inspiration to finish our own project. Anyone who ships is more likely to take the advice of others who have shipped over those who have not. And that puts those who have shipped in a position of influence, do not abuse that position, instead use it to help those looking to follow your footsteps.