Everybody knows Money ≠ Success… Or does it?

As with much of this blog, my content comes from personal experiences and I’ve had this idea bouncing back and forth in my head for days about money, success, and what drives us. For the longest time I have told everyone that I’m not driven by money to do great work. I’ve found out (the hard way) this is much easier to say when you are making a steady income.


I came from a job that I landed straight out of college. It was predetermined what I would do and my position was held for an entire year while I finished up my last year of football. The entire company expansion was put on “tortoise” until I was able to start. At that time “rabbit” ensued for the next 4 years.

I was always paid well, even right out of school. This was my first job, so like anyone trying to leave their mark on the world I dove into work head first. I worked day and night, my record was a little more than 100 hours (recorded). I worked on weekends, I traveled, I sacrificed, and I continually talked about how I was not driven by money.

I just wanted to do good work and help grow this company into something amazing. But there was a catch… I was being paid handsomely to be a work-horse. So, I was taught (even if I didn’t realize it) that money equals success.

Current Situation

I’m no longer in that situation of getting paid well by someone else. I’m working towards something that is mine, but it’s not an easy road and I no longer receive a regular paycheck. Or as Simon Sinek might call it, a big fat hit of dopamine (just watch the first 1:30)

Today, I’m still quite motivated even though I haven’t “had a job” since July of 2013. I get up and bang away on my keyboard all day until my eyes get blurry. And I’m restless as ever.

Slowing Down

Now that I can honestly say I’ve been at the top (relatively speaking) and the bottom of the financial food chain, I feel I can give a better perspective on this idea that money equals success. When we are taught that we are supposed to receive money for our work, that’s what we expect and what we get accustomed to.

But when that goes away and you are doing better things with your life (volunteering, giving back, spending time with loved ones and family) and forgoing that paycheck, you feel like something is empty. In reality, you are (I am at least) un-brainwashing yourself from what you’ve been taught.

When I was working 100 hours/week, I wasn’t exactly getting much time to see my family or give back. And now, what do I have to show for it?

Life isn’t about working everyday for a paycheck, life is about living. Life is about relationships. Life is about making memories and getting out to do things. Life is about helping others. I said a while back I was going to “give my way to transformation” this year, and that’s what I’m busy doing.

Money is the Root of all _________

money equals successI was able to “leave my mark” on the world, or at least a small part of it. If you ask anyone involved in Atlantic Bedding and Furniture from the last 6 years, they will be able to tell you who I am and what I’ve done. But more importantly, I was able to make a bunch of money. 

Huh? Didn’t you just say………

It was a lesson learned, and that “bunch of money” has allowed me to take a 9+ month sabbatical from work and pursue some dreams, start a business, work with friends,  and work on my book. Without that money, I would have had to jump into another job and live paycheck to paycheck like millions of Americans do.

I am glad I hustled and enjoyed steady income, even if it wasn’t truly fulfilling me, because now I have the opportunity to find out what really drives me.

Is money bad? No. But it masks what we think is important and what we think drives us. Like a science experiment, you cannot find out what drives you until you have a control group. I’ve just taken out one big variable.

What are your experiences with success as it relates to money?

I would love to hear your thoughts and get your feedback so leave a comment below or chat with me on Twitter.

Have a great weekend!

P.S. Sorry if I came across so cocky (I’m only a little in reality) talking about how much money I made, I had to illustrate a point 🙂