
Shocking Your System: Creativity Boosting Tips

I’m a morning person. I wake up early, I do my best work early, I can concentrate better early, and I love to do all this before any of you wake up. That’s just me.

Some people are night owls and the thought of going to bed before midnight is dreadful to them. We all have different patterns, and we all have different “peak hours” in which we do our best work. Mine are in the morning, yours might be at 4PM, that’s for you to know and me to try and disrupt with my next few sentences.

The Reasoning

As I’m sitting here writing this, it’s past 9PM. I never write past 9PM! Except tonight of course when I’m writing about creativity boosting tips. This week I’m doing some experiments that I’ve always heard worked well, but have never tried.

I’m changing my schedule and adjusting my patterns to keep my mind and body guessing instead of letting them fall into routine. In The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business Charles Duhigg talks at length about how our minds react to patterns. When we fall into a routine, our brain isn’t on high alert, it knows what it’s doing and it sort of coasts.

Doesn’t sound very stimulating or a highly creative environment does it?

The Curve-ball

Usually I wake up, read from a book, write out a few words with pen and paper, then jump on my computer to begin blogging. Breakfast comes next, then I try to knock one thing off my to-do list before I check my email and continue on with my to-do list for the day. By about 3 or 4 it’s time to hit the gym or go for a run and most of my work is done for the day.

Well not this week!

This week I worked out every day between 11 and 1 and I’m taking the time to write tonight instead of early morning Friday (this was written on Thursday night in record speed… I wonder why?) and I have to admit, it feels great to change up my schedule.

'creativity boosting tips'

The Donna 26.2 in Jacksonville (we actually ran 13.1 but it felt like 26.2)

My days were not monotonous around that mid-day slump like they tend to get. My workouts were awesome considering I ran 13.1 miles on Saturday. And this evening writing experiment feels great, plus it allows me to sleep in on Friday!

Your Experiment

So what’s your routine and how can you throw it off? If you’re a night person, try getting up early to work on a special project. If you’re a morning person, sleep in for a change and do some work in the late afternoon. Whatever you feel comfortable with, do the exact opposite and see what happens.

One thing I love about this blog is that it gives me the opportunity to experiment with new ideas. Sometimes I write book reviews (coming soon: I’m reading some excellent non-fiction), sometimes I write about personal struggles, and other times I get to share some of the knowledge I have accumulated over the years.

This is just another experiment, what are YOU going to try new next week?

Leave me a comment below with your new routine for the week or chat with me on Twitter, I’d love to hear what you have to say about changing things up!

Have a great weekend!