Faith | Hope | Love

In my devotion last night I was on I Corinthians 13:13, regarding Faith| Hope | Love. And I began to connect the dots between leaders and this verse. Leaders should aim to exemplify all of these in their day to day lives if they want to reassure those around them and create a happy, thriving tribe. I will speak on toxicity in leadership at another time, I have plenty of content for that subject… But for today Faith, Hope, and Love are what you should focus on if you want to step up to be that leader that you’ve always heard about. You DO NOT have to be in a position of power to be a leader and you DO NOT have to be someone who is in the spotlight to be a leader, all that means is that you have a larger audience. Everyone has an audience, and if you influence your small audience in a positive manner, it will grow exponentially.


Leaders need to reassure their tribe that the course they are on is the correct one. So many people in this world do not know where they’re going or what they’re doing or what they are working towards. It is the leader’s duty to help them stay the course and remind them to have Faith. Faith in the leader’s actions and Faith in their own actions, a leader must eliminate doubt. A leader in sports can reassure teammates that their actions are making them better and getting them one step closer to a championship. A leader in business can give Faith to co-workers by showing progress towards that common goal and reminding everyone that it’s baby steps that make up the long road before them.


Leaders must give their tribes Hope. Hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, Hope that their hard will pay off, Hope that their BHAG is attainable. Hope is not something easily instilled in others and is impossible to feign. Hope is viral and people can feel it when you have hope in your daily work. When people can feel the Hope that you possess, they gravitate towards it and they begin to have Faith in your actions and they begin to Hope that your vision can come true. Carrots, Incentives, Goals…. these all boil down to Hope of things imagined, but not yet seen. As a leader, be sure to give your people Hope in a vision.


Leaders have to Love their tribes, even when the tribe doesn’t always love them back. There are times when leaders are put in difficult positions and they must make a hard call, but if they are guided by Love for their tribe they will make the right decision. If they are guided by vanity or greed or spite, their actions will resonate so loud with their tribe that Faith, Hope, and any thought of Love will be lost. Actions speak infinitely louder than words, and when you are a leader, all eyes are upon you. Your every move will be judged, which can make leadership taxing for those who aren’t prepared for it. However, if you have Faith, Hope, and Love for your tribe and you let those guide you in your decision making each and every day than that judgement will not affect you, because you know you are leading your tribe in the right direction.

Love is the greatest and without it, neither Faith or Hope will exist. Everyone responds differently so that Love should be expressed regularly, whether it’s through speeches, a blog, videos or any other medium you choose. However, your tribe should know how much you Love them through your actions above all.